OG(Open Graph) Tags Optimization in SEO : Learn from Industry Experts

Take a look at OG (Open Graph) Tags Optimization in SEO, strategies and mistakes to avoid in 2024. Learn it from Janardhan Nagaiahgari today.

OG (Open Graph) Tags

OG Tags Plays an important role when it comes to passing communication via social media. So let’s explore OG Tags in detail.

  • What are Open Graphs( OG) Tags?
  • Benefits of OG Tags in SEO
  • Tools to use for OG Tags
  • How to Implement Og Tags
  • OG Tag Commands

What are Open Graphs( OG) Tags?

Open Graph  tags or OG tags are the meta tags that offer structured information about a landing page when it is shared on social media platforms. These are mainly used to communicate social media networks about how landing pages should appear when it is being shared.

Example: https://www.janardhan.digital/seo-course

  • SEO Title: Best SEO Course online by Industry experts in india 2022
  • Social media Title: Must Join Advanced Online SEO Course by Industry Expert 

Above example clearly states that the title we wanted to show in google search engine results and how the page title should look in social media.

Benefits of OG Tags in SEO

There are some useful and meaningful benefits of adding OG Tags to the landing pages, some of them are listed below.

  • Improved Social Sharing: One of the core objectives of OG is that it controls the content that appears when shared on social media. For the same to happen we need to define the title, description, image, and other elements that are displayed in the social media post. 
  • Enhanced Click-Through Rates (CTR): Another cool thing about OG tags is that we can customize the information we want, so there is a high chance to grab some attention. 
  • Optimized Sharing for Rich Media: Visual content tends to perform better on social media than regular text based. 

Tools to use for OG Tags

There are many Free and paid tools available on the internet to generate OG Tags, some of the most commonly used Og tags generator Tools are mentioned below.

How to Implement OG Tags

  • Via HTML editor of your CMS
  • Via Cpanel

Og tags are generally added to the <head> section of a webpage using HTML code.  Take a look at OG Tag commands, 

  1. <meta property=”og:title” content=”Page Title”>
  2. <meta property=”og:description” content=”description of the page content.”>
  3. <meta property=”og:image” content=”https://www.janardhan.digital/image.jpg”>
  4. <meta property=”og:url” content=”https://www.janardhan.digital/page-url”>
  • Og:title: It describes the title of the content as it should appear on social media.
  • Og:description: It describes the description of the content as it should appear on social media.
  • Og:image: It describes the image of the content as it should appear on social media.
  • Og:url: Specifies the canonical URL of the content.
  • Og:type: It describes the type of content (e.g., article, website, video). 
  • Og:locale: Specifies the locale for the content. This can be useful for multilingual websites


In Our final words, OG Tags help brands to boost social media appearance and gain some SEO benefits. So pay attention to OG tags and get them optimized as per Policies to grab maximum benefits.


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